Лист учета 100% прохождения игры GTA Chinatown War

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Миссии Storyline Missions

 [  ] Yu Jian
[  ] Pursuit Farce
[  ] Under the Gun
[  ] Payback
[  ] The Wheelman
[  ] Tricks of the Triad
[  ] Natural Burn Killer
[  ] Recruitment Drive
[  ] Pimp His Ride
[  ] Whack the Racers
[  ] Jackin’ Chan
[  ] Stealing the Show
[  ] Flatliner
[  ] Bomb Disposal
[  ] Carpe «Dime»
[  ] Store Wars
[  ] Raw Deal
[  ] Driven to Destruction
[  ] The Tow Job
[  ] Tail Blazer
[  ] The Tail Bagging the Dogs
[  ] Copter Carnage
[  ] Kenny Strikes Back
[  ] Weapons of Mass Distraction
[  ] Street of Rage
[  ] Missed the Boat?
[  ] Cash & Burn
[  ] Dragon Haul Z
[  ] Sa-Boat-Age
[  ] The Offshore Offload
[  ] One Shot, One Kill
[  ] The Fandom Menace
[  ] The Counterfeit Gangster
[  ] Slaying with Fire
[  ] Operation Northwood
[  ] Torpedo Run
[  ] So Near, Yet Sonar
[  ] By Myraids of Swords
[  ] A Shadow of Doubt?
[  ] Friend or Foe?
[  ] Grave Situation
[  ] Double Trouble
[  ] Faster Pusher Man! Sell! Sell!
[  ] Scrambled
[  ] Steal the Wheels
[  ] Arms Out of Harm’s Way
[  ] The Wages of Hsin
[  ] Convoy Conflict
[  ] The World’s A Stooge
[  ] Evidence Dash
[  ] Oversights
[  ] A Rude Awakening
[  ] See No Evil
[  ] Wi-Find
[  ] Rat Race
[  ] Clear the Pier
[  ] Hit from the Tong
[  ] Salt in the Wound

Случайные задания Random Pedestrians

 [  ] Wilhelm
[  ] Wilhelm, Round 2
[  ] Wilhelm, Round 3
[  ] Guy
[  ] Cherie
[  ] Alonso
[  ] Selma
[  ] Selma, Round 2
[  ] Giorgio
[  ] Giorgio, Round 2
[  ] Tommy
[  ] Tommy, Round 2
[  ] Marcy
[  ] Marcy, Round 2

Дополнительные задания Odd Jobs

 [  ] Vigilante, 5 Waves, 100% Kill Rate
[  ] Paramedic, 5 Waves, 100% Kill Rate
[  ] Firefighter, Gold Medal
[  ] Taxi Driver, 15 Fares in a Row
[  ] HoboTron
[  ] Fast Tracks
[  ] Most Tattoos in a Row
[  ] Noodle Run, Algonquin
[  ] Noodle Run, Dukes
[  ] Excess Delivery, Alpha Mail
[  ] Excess Delivery, Liberty State Delivery

Гонки Time Trials

 [  ] Boulevard Boogle Time Trial, Course 1
[  ] Boulevard Boogle Time Trial, Course 2
[  ] Boulevard Boogle Time Trial, Course 3
[  ] Boulevard Boogle Time Trial, Course 4
[  ] Dukes Dust Up Time Trial, Course 1
[  ] Dukes Dust Up Time Trial, Course 2
[  ] Dukes Dust Up Time Trial, Course 3
[  ] Go-Kar Time Trial, Course 1
[  ] Go-Kar Time Trial, Course 2
[  ] Go-Kar Time Trial, Course 3
[  ] Go-Kar Time Trial, Course 4
[  ] Patriot Park Time Trial, Course 1
[  ] Patriot Park Time Trial, Course 2
[  ] Patriot Park Time Trial, Course 3
[  ] Patriot Park Time Trial, Course 4
[  ] Wetscapade Time Trial, Course 1
[  ] Wetscapade Time Trial, Course 2
[  ] Wetscapade Time Trial, Course 3
[  ] Wetscapade Time Trial, Course 4
[  ] Beach Blitz
[  ] Bohan Snake
[  ] East Side Escapade
[  ] Graveyard Groove
[  ] Loose Exchange
[  ] Midtown Mayhem
[  ] Monument Mania

Уличные гонки Street Races

 [  ] Bohan Classic  -> S&M Grand Slam
[  ] Bohan Rally  -> S&M Grand Slam
[  ] Algonquin Auto-Trial  -> Transfender Invitational
[  ] Star Junction Circuit -> Transfender Invitational
[  ] Middle Park Motivator -> Transfender Invitational
[  ] Schlotter Sweep -> Hi-Way Tire Tourney
[  ] Broker Open  -> Hi-Way Tire Tourney
[  ] Dukes Dynamo -> Hi-Way Tire Tourney

Оружейный турнир Liberty City Gun Club

 [  ] Pistol Medal
[  ] SMG Medal
[  ] Shotgun Medal
[  ] Grenades Medal
[  ] Sniper Rifle Medal

Riding Shotgun

 [  ] Beechwood City
[  ] Industrial
[  ] Purgatory
[  ] Suffolk
[  ] Willis


 [  ] Beechwood City, Chainsaw
[  ] Beechwood City, Flamethrower
[  ] Boulevard, Unarmed
[  ] Castle Gardens, Carbine Rifle
[  ] Castle Garden City, Carbine Rifle
[  ] Colony Island, Double Barrelled Shotgun
[  ] East Islands City, Twin Pistols
[  ] Firefly Island, Twin Pistols
[  ] Firefly Projects, Minigun
[  ] Fishmarket South, Assault Rifle
[  ] Happiness Island, Minigun
[  ] Hatton Gardens, Assault Rifle
[  ] Lancaster, Flamethrower
[  ] Lower Easton, Flamethrower
[  ] Meadow Hills, Micro SMG
[  ] Meadows Park, Double Barrelled Shotgun
[  ] Middle Park, Shotgun
[  ] Middle Park West, Flamethrower
[  ] Northern Gardens, Flamethrower
[  ] Northwood, Assault Rifle
[  ] Northwood, Carbine Rifle
[  ] Northwood, Chainsaw
[  ] Outlook Park, Micro SMG
[  ] South Bohan, Flamethrower
[  ] South Bohan, Stubby Shotgun
[  ] Star Junction, Sword
[  ] Steinway, Flamethrower
[  ] The Meat Quarter, RPG
[  ] Westminster, Stubby Shotgun
[  ] Willis, SMG

Скрытые камеры Security Cameras

 [  ] 1-10
[  ] 10-20
[  ] 20-30
[  ] 30-40
[  ] 40-50
[  ] 50-60
[  ] 60-70
[  ] 70-80
[  ] 80-90
[  ] 90-100

Прыжки Unique Stunt Jumps

 [  ] 1-10
[  ] 10-20
[  ] 20-30

Убежища Safehouses

 [  ] все 21

Дилеры по продаже наркотиков Drug Dealers

 [  ] 1-10
[  ] 10-20
[  ] 20-30
[  ] 30-40
[  ] 40-50
[  ] 50-60
[  ] 60-70
[  ] 70-80

Склад-магазин Raid Spanish Lord’s Warehouse

 [  ] однажды

Статуи Statues

 [  ] 1
[  ] 2